Css Code references

To create Basic background colored button - <a style="background-color: #ed9c28; width: 31%; color: #fff; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; padding: 6px 12px;" href="https://someurl.com" target="_blank">বিস্তারিত দেখুন </a>

Fixing Windows Managment Instrumentation software removed or missing

Sometimes you will find difficulties accessing system information where you will find Windows management instrumentation software is removed or missing. In that case you can do following steps to restore it. - go to cmd as administrator- type net stop winmgmt ( it will stop the winmgmt service with other related service as well )- Then keeping the cmd open go to this folder C:\Windows\System32\wbe...

Importing Ubuntu vdi image to Oracle Virtualbox

Sometimes when you format the windows 10 pc keeping ubuntu vdi image which houses all the previously stored files, it is necessary to import it back when windows 10 installation is finished. Here are three steps that needs to be taken for the import 1. Setting the virtual machine path in the pc     Oracle virtual box -> File -> Preference -> General -> Browse and selec...

Git issues faced by and solutions/references to those issues

Updating git credential from Windows 10 - Need to go to Control Panel → Credential Manager → Windows Credentials.- Need to find the credential related to my git accounts to edit or remove those.Here is the link for more information on this https://cmatskas.com/how-to-update-your-git-credentials-on-windows/Setting up Identitygit config user.email "mahfoozur.rahman.bd@gmail.com"git config...

How to list youtube videos in your site using Youtube api

This can be done in following way.  FIrstly, in the coding you need to setup and put youtube api key. Secondly, use the channel id from where you want to bring the youtube videos. $API_key = 'youtube-api-key'; $channelID = 'channel-id'; $maxResults = 10; $videoList = json_decode(file_get_contents('https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?order=date&part=snippet&channelId...