Importing Ubuntu vdi image to Oracle Virtualbox

Sometimes when you format the windows 10 pc keeping ubuntu vdi image which houses all the previously stored files, it is necessary to import it back when windows 10 installation is finished.

Here are three steps that needs to be taken for the import

1. Setting the virtual machine path in the pc
    Oracle virtual box -> File -> Preference -> General -> Browse and select pc folder

2. Creating new Virtual machine ( actually it will be from existing image )
    Oracle virtual box -> New ->
                                   Create Virtual Machine
                                     Name and operating system
                                        - Name: ubuntu 18.04
                                        - Type: Linux
                                        - Version: Ubuntu 64 bit
                                        - Click ok 
                                    Memory Size
                                        - select 50% of original memory size ( 8gb/16gb for my case )
                                        - Click ok
                                    Hard Disk
                                        - select Use existing virtual hard disk file 
                                        - Click create

3. Configuring system settings
    Oracle virtual box -> selecing new machine -> setting ->
                                                                                      System -> Process ( 2core ) ->
                                                                                      Display -> Select all the available memory ( 128mb for my case )
                                                                                      - Click create

That should be it. You can start your virtual machine clicking start from the top selecting the newly created virtual machine importing from existing virtual hard disk (vdi)  file.

This is the reference link followed to summarize this importing process.