PHP larger random value generation

When customizing image names or file names during uploads, it is necessary to generate larger unique names. It can be done with following php function.  

function generateRandomString($len = 80)
  $base = 'abcdefghjkmnpqrstwxyz123456789';
  $max = strlen($base)-1;
  $string = '';
  while(strlen($string) < $len){
    // The mt_rand() function generates a random integer using 
    // the Mersenne Twister algorithm and
    // it is 4 times faster than rand
    $string .= $base[mt_rand(0, $max)];
  return $string;

For example: if len is given 20, then the function will return random string of length 20 like this - yjh29cj77qy8nxx2e7zf.
By default the string length is 80. 

If larger random number is required to generate then it is same drill. You can use the following function. 

function generateNumberString($len = 80)
  $base = '123456789';
  $max = strlen($base)-1;
  $string = '';
  while(strlen($string) < $len)
    $string .= $base[mt_rand(0, $max)];

  return $string;